Sharing the Farm with Wildlife
posted on
September 28, 2023

The pastures where we raise our livestock are not only home to our animals. They are frequented by the local wildlife population. Deer, turkey, foxes, and rabbits are among the many varieties that call our farm home.
It is not just because they live here that they frequent our pastures. We actually design how we farm to welcome the existence of a healthy, local, wildlife population.
Any new fences that we build are much lower than what is typically built. We also do not build with barbed wire. This ensures that deer can easily cross our fences without getting tangled or hindering them in any way. They are free to move through our pastures.
We also don't overgraze. Our pastures are full of food for the wild critters including deer and turkey. They can feast in the pasture that is un-grazed by our animals as well as clean up behind them.
The animals, both wild and domestic, also provide a benefit in each other's health. By grazing and moving through each other's areas, they break up the lifecycle of parasites and other diseases. Most parasites can only infect the species of animal that they have adapted to. If a sheep eats a parasite or eggs that are sitting waiting on a cow host, the parasite dies.
As always, we try to farm in a way that both mimics and is healthy for nature, both the soil and the bigger wild animals. As a result, the wildlife flourishes on our farm. We like it that way.