Bobolinks: a glimpse of a real difference made with regenerative farming
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January 26, 2023
Bobolinks are a cool bird
At least I think they are cool! This is for a couple reasons.
First, they have the lightest song that floats over the pastures. Listen to the song and see if you agree.
Next, bobolinks are stunning. They may be a small bird but the male in mating season has brilliant, unmistakable colors. It's like he is wearing a tuxedo as one of my kids would wear it. Backwards.
Third, their numbers are increasing on our farm in direct result to our farming practices. That is exciting!
Why the bobolink population is dwindling nationwide
Bobolinks need tall grass to nest and have their young. As a result, large-scale tilling and crop farming are their enemies. Continuous overgrazing of pastureland and chemical sprays also damage the environment they need to thrive.
Pastures that are continuously grazed short to the ground offer no habitat for these birds. Tillage and cropping also removes the habitat for obvious reasons.
Unfortunately, as a result, these little guys' population is dwindling nationwide.
How regenerative farming is restoring the bobolink's environment
When pastures are rotationally grazed (as they are here at Sparrow Hill Farm), all the boxes the bobolink needs get checked. Only some of the grass gets taken leaving clumps of taller plants on the pasture. The cows and sheep actually graze around some nests.
The pasture then gets an undisturbed rest for 30+ days. That's enough time for a bobolink to build a nest, lay eggs, hatch and leave.
It is cool to see glimpses of the real differences you make by supporting regenerative farming and local meat production. Your support is a vote for long lasting and perennial change for the best in the environment. Just by eating well. That is a win win!