How Many Different Pigs Are There?
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September 21, 2023

There are over 60 different breeds of domesticated pigs! And guess what, most of them are not pink. They have all kinds of different qualities and are adapted to all different climates.
Here at our farm, our boar is a Berkshire, known for excellent meat quality and juiciness when cooked. Our sows are large Black and Meishan crosses.
Meishans are so rare that there are, estimated, less than 2,000 worldwide! Pastured pork farmers are helping them make a comeback.
These pigs are adapted to be excellent mothers on pasture and to be tough. Oh yeah, and they have meat and fat quality that is second to none.
The offspring from these sows and boar makes the perfect pig to raise on pasture. Hearty, easy to keep, and delicious.